Thursday, December 8, 2011

On saturday we had two ballet recitals. Kayden was in the afternoon performance, and Kinady was in the evening. Cody was such a good sport! He didn't complain at all about getting to watch the Nutcracker twice. As for me, I was exahusted! It's so much work to prepare the girls to be onstage. I seriously will never know how moms accomplish everything when they have more than two children?.. The girls were awesome. Their was one little boy in the other class that curled up in a ball on the floor and cried the whole time. I felt soooo bad for the little guy. The Nutcracker made the Christmas spirit so much better and now were just waiting on a little snow!

                                          The Shepardess and the Lambs

                                            "Me and my teddy bear"